Every Super Bowl bears the promise of great commercials, great halftime show, and…the uh, the thing with the helmets and the people running… THE FOOTBALL!
Guess I’m Just Being a Sore Loser…
Of course I’m kidding, dear readers. I love the Super Bowl! I’ll admit I’m still a tad bitter about my hometown Patriots going down to the Broncos in the AFC Championship. But have no fear, my fellow New Englanders, as I am still a tithing member of Brady the Shining Light Church of Restoration. No Oreo-munching honkey can take away our faith…
Super Bowl XLVIII is Going to Be Awesome!
But back to the main event. As is the story every year, this Super Bowl promises to be the biggest and brightest yet. Holding the reigns of this heap of advertising fodder– *erm*– classic sporting event, is everyone’s favorite Simpsons affiliate, FOX. In order to expand market potential, FOX has made a pioneering deal with the Intergalactic Federation to broadcast the Super Bowl in our solar system and throughout the greater Milky Way. Industry analyst Mark Widelman called the move “genius…tapping the Klingon market…That’s a big dollar.”
After all, It’s the Biggest Media Event of the Year…
A big dollar indeed. And who wouldn’t pay to take in this paragon of physical achievement and human growth hormone? Naturally, to bestow us good folks with entertainment of this echelon FOX has to up the advertising rates a bit to cover costs, but nothing most brick-and-mortars can’t handle.
Let’s see here… for 30 seconds of commercial space FOX asks a pedestrian…(this can’t be right…4 million dollars? That’s a joke. Can we send this back to research? This can’t be right)…well, we don’t have the actual figure in front of us, but believe us, it’s a modest fee compared to the massive exposure these products receive. The Klingons love their Doritos and Chevrolets.
Wibki Provides Nothing but the Best!
So whether you’re the type of fan who’s on top of every statistic, or you’re just in it for the halftime show, take a look at our special Super Bowl XLVIII Wibki page, and save your favorites to your own Wibki page. And as a belated holiday gift from us to you, here are some teasers of the world famous halftime commercials before they air on the 2nd.