It’s amazing how creative people can be. We live in a material world though, and people are expecting to get paid for their creativeness… This is why most of the cool websites are promoting a brand, an artist, or even an agenda. Luckily, as users we don’t care why this amazing content was created, we’re just happy that it’s there for us to enjoy. On this blog post we have gathered 10 of the coolest, jaw dropping, and most likely to make you go Wow! websites that the past year has provided us with.
10 Jaw Dropping Cool Websites: Sites that Makes You Go Wow!
7 Travel Sites to Help You Lose Yourself
We here at Wibki are sick of the verb “to do” when it comes to travel: “I did Florence and then I did Rome…” Well, what did you do exactly? Did you create memories that can’t be captured in an Instagram photo? Did you take advantage of the local offerings? Or did you just check the country off a list?
So in response to this epidemic of superficial tourism, these travel sites are about getting you an authentic experience – opening your mind and filling it with new perspectives of looking at the world. If you like one of these travel sites, make sure to save it to your Wibki for easy access.
How to Find the Highest Paying Jobs that You’ll Love
This blog post is not just about the highest paying jobs. It’s about pursuing the highest paying jobs for the right reasons and getting payed for doing something you actually like. Before you close the page because you think this article just focuses on finding your passion and getting “paid” in fulfillment, we’ll get to those highest paying jobs soon (or you can scroll down now).
The 7 Online Music Sites You Wish You Used
We’re all looking for the best ways to listen to our favorite songs and artists… but which online music service fits you like snug ear mitts? We here at Wibki have been researching dozens of online music services to bring you the top of the top. Still using iTunes? Get with the times! Make sure to save the list in your Wibki profile so you can come back to it when you want to try something new.
8 Ways To Get Organized In 2014
The New Year is an exciting time: new goals, new beginnings, and new experiences. And so begins the annual tradition of getting pumped for your New Years Resolution, and then giving up 12 days later when you realize maybe gluten isn’t SO bad for you. We here at Wibki think you’re perfect just the way you are, but why not make a change that’s at least somewhat possible to keep? Abstaining from junk food for a year might not be within the realms of possibility, but getting organized is with the right tools!
New Year’s Resolution: Organize Your Bookmarks!
New Year’s Resolutions are about bettering your everyday life. With all the time that we spend on the Internet, organizing our bookmarks is probably the easiest and most meaningful change we can make to welcome 2014. Wibki offers the perfect tool to organize your bookmarks, save new links, and discover amazing new services… it’s also FREE and as easy as pie. Continue reading →
10 Educational Sites to Learn Something New in Your Spare Time
We don’t have a lot of spare time in this hectic world we live in. This is why we must make sure that the small moments that we do have, will be used wisely. Instead of going through the latest celebrity gossip on your smartphone while waiting for the subway, you can allow your smartphone to actually make you smarter, and learn something new. Instead of watching a random TV show when your kids are finally asleep, you can log into an educational site and learn a new skill. The Internet has everything you will ever need to better yourselves in any aspect of life. On this blog post you will find 10 great examples of sites and services that will sharpen your mind, hone your skills, and make you feel that you’re spending your spare time to learn new things and better yourselves.
Need to Convert pdf to Word? 11 Productivity Tools you can’t Live Without
There are so many ways that the Internet can help us be more productive. Whether it’s a simple way to convert pdf to word, share our screen or find our dream job; the tools and services that answers these needs are out there, we know they are, but we don’t know where. To save you the endless googling and spam filtering, we gathered the top 11 productivity web tools that the past year has produced, hoping to make your life a little easier, and a lot more productive, the next time you try to convert pdf to word! 😉