Here at Wibki, we know how important privacy is to you, our users.You often hear stories about how websites are changing their privacy settings, or not being clear about them in the first place, and it causes users to get angry or confused. While most websites, especially social media sites, allow you to set your own privacy settings, sometimes the terms and conditions are unclear.
There is also always the question of how to keep certain information private on a website that was created to share information, sometimes personal information, with others. For example, just recently, there was an uproar about the app Snapchat; With all of this happening, it is easy to understand that internet users would be less likely to share their personal webpages or information with others.the main purpose of the app is that the pictures disappear after no more than ten seconds, but it was found out that there was a database being kept of all the photos being sent. With all of this happening, it is easy to understand that internet users would be less likely to share their personal webpages or information with others.

Here at Wibki, we know how important privacy is to you, our users. We added three levels of privacy that you can apply to your profile so that you can still share your Wibki page while keeping some of your bookmarks private.

If you just want a few things hidden, you can go to your 'Profile' tab and click the 'x' on the top right of any bookmarkLight Privacy

If you just want a few things hidden, you can go to your “Profile” tab and click the “x” on the top right of any website you have visited or added to your page so that those looking at your profile won’t see that activity.

This is great if you don’t want the public knowing just how much you love that one guilty pleasure website ( Anyone? No? Yeah, no me either…).

Simply put your cursor over the tab you want private and click on the lock.Medium Privacy

If you want more than just one or two activities hidden from other users, you can lock certain tabs from public viewing. For example, I have a lot of websites that I have for work and do not want the public to have access to those sites, so before I give out my Wibki page to people, I lock my Faves tabs and they are not visible to anyone other than myself. I have 9 tabs on my page, but if you check it out, only 5 are visible. You do not need to jump through hoops to do this either; simply put your cursor over the tab you want private and click on the lock. If at a later date you decide you do not want that tab private anymore, simply click the lock again.

Check the box next to 'Privacy – Only You Will Be Able To See Your Faves' and everything will be private from those looking at your page.High Privacy

The two lower levels of privacy are great options for those looking to share their Wibki page with others while still maintaining some bookmarks private. However, if you are someone who needs a higher level of privacy, there is an option to hide all of your tabs from the public. Just like the first two privacy options, this one is easy to do. Simply click on your name in the top right corner and select “settings” from the drop down menu. Check the box next to “Privacy – Only You Will Be Able To See Your Faves” and everything will be private from those looking at your page. If you ask us though, if you use Wibki you should brag about it! Privacy & Wibki: How to keep Your Bookmarks Private

We know how important privacy is these days, but we also still want you to be able to use Wibki to the fullest extent, which includes sharing. Our three layers of privacy will help you feel comfortable sharing your page while still easily keeping your bookmarks private at the level you think is necessary.

Our three layers of privacy will help you feel comfortable sharing your page while still easily keeping your bookmarks private at the level you think is necessary.Here at Wibki, we know how important privacy is to you, our users.