Introducing Wibki - Your search for an iGoogle alternative is overNovember 1st, 2013 is around the corner and millions of iGoogle users are hysterical, trying to find a replacement for the iGoogle Homepage. If you are one of those users, your search for an iGoogle alternative is over! Introducing Wibki: The best iGoogle Homepage replacement for you.

What makes Wibki the Perfect Alternative to iGoogle?

Wibki is the Best iGoogle Alternative Homepage!

The thing that iGoogle users loved most about the service was the fact that they could personalize their homepage according to their craves and needs. Wibki offers the same personalized experience and much more.

The core of Wibki is its multi-platform bookmarks tool which allows you with a click of a button to save all of your favorite links. It syncs your bookmarks across all browsers and platforms, whether you use your laptop, tablet device or Smartphone, and displays each of your favorites as a logo instead of text, which makes browsing much easier when you use touch devices.

Choosing Wibki to replace your iGoogle homepage will make sure you’ll never have to type searches in again to get to your favorite websites…

iGoogle is Shutting Down… Long Live Wibki!

According to Google, iGoogle was originally launched “before anyone could fully imagine the ways that today’s web would put personalized, real-time information at your fingertips”. In 2013 you don’t need widgets and RSS feeds… What you do need is a fast access to your favorite content, and Wibki provides the perfect platform for it!

The Homepage for the Tablet Generation

By choosing Wibki as your iGoogle alternative you will make sure you’ll never have to type searches in again to get to your favorite websites… Typing is the scourge of many tablet and mobile web users, doesn’t it make much more sense to browse the web using touchable logos of all your bookmarks?

Your iGoogle Alternative is Waiting for You! Come and Get It!

Changing your homepage over to Wibki is as easy as pie. Simply click on the ‘Join’ button (connect through Facebook to make it quicker), install the ‘Add to Wibki’ bookmarklet and you’re set. Me and the other guys here at Wibki are constantly exploring the web, looking for the most interesting, most innovative and generally most awesome websites, so that you’ll always find something new on your ‘Discover’ feed.

iGoogle is Shutting Down! Long Live Wibki: The Best iGoogle Alternative HomepageThis hand-picked curation, combined with your own personalization makes Wibki the perfect iGoogle alternative. for more information about Wibki you are welcome to check our co-founder Roy’s blog about Wibki’s vision and the Future of Browsing.

Don’t wait till November 1st! Join Wibki Today.

Experience the Web like never before
