The problem with online TV is that there isn’t one major location where all shows can be watched. Wibki can be used as your remote control for online TV.

The idea that the majority of television programming will be viewed on online TV now seems unavoidable. Despite efforts by cable distribution companies and networks alike to save the obviously-dying traditional cable set-top box platform, more and more individuals turn to online TV.

Online TV is the Future of Brodcasting

The problem with online TV is that there isn’t one major location where all shows can be watched at the viewer’s convenience. Unlike modern cable boxes, which display a guide of channels and programming schedules for easy viewing, online TV content is spread out across several different locations and websites throughout the Internet. Because this content is located in so many different places, it can be easy to forget about your favorite shows if you’re not regularly visiting their specific sites.Keep calm and watch TV online!

Along Comes Wibki!

Wibki offers a solution to this problem. Using the gridded visual display offered by the “Groups” section of the site, Wibki can be used as a digital alternative to the on-screen channel guides typically offered by traditional cable. This essentially transforms Wibki into your remote control for online TV.

How It Works?

Adding a group to a Wibki profile is easy. At the bottom of the lefthand bar, click “+ New Group.” I gave the group that I created the name “Online TV.”

Adding websites (in this case, the sites essentially serve as “channels”) is easy. Simply click on a grid, enter a link, and Wibki automatically pulls a logo from the site.

Your online TV Wibki group could be set up any way you’d like, but below I’ll show you how I’ve organized mine.

Using the gridded visual display offered by the “Groups” section of the site, Wibki can be used as a digital alternative to the on-screen channel guides typically offered by traditional cable.My Online TV:

My major cable provider is Comcast/Xfinity, a service which allows me to view digital on-demand content because I am a regular subscriber. Because that offers the most consistent, high-quality content, I’ve placed it in the top slot of my Wibki profile.

In the top of my “online TV” grid, I also have Watch ESPN (ESPN’s online viewing service), Netflix (for series like “House of Cards”), Amazon (in anticipation of their new Amazon Prime original content), and Hulu. This first lines comprises the most well-established online viewing platforms.

On the next couple of rows, I have included all of the major U.S. networks (and also Comedy Central). Most major networks offer their shows online for free, usually a day after the content airs on TV. I’ve also included HBO GO, which releases its content simultaneously online and on TV.

I also included some TV link aggregators such as Cucirca and Delishows, and YouTube curation services like 5by and

Create Your Own Online TV Venue

There are many other platforms for viewing video content online, and when I come across a new site offering great content I can easily add it to the “online TV” group on my Wibki page using the Wibki Chrome extension.Visual presentation truly helps transform the web into a powerful content viewing tool.

Organizing channels in this manner seems like a simple solution to the problem of keeping track of your favorite shows online, but the visual presentation truly helps transform the web into a powerful content viewing tool.Create Your Own Online TV Venue with Wibki!

Regular cable distributors control what channels you have, what content you can watch on those channels, and when you can watch them. Online TV puts the power back in the viewer’s hands, and Wibki helps users better assert that rightful control.

Bookmark all your favorite TV Shows & access them on your computer, tablet & mobile device with Wibki.